1st of July resolutions

I have no idea how, but it is July already?! Is it just me or is the first half of the year has flown by and I feel like the questions where are you going to spend your New Year’s Eve are just around the corner? I wanted to do a quick photo blog post of my summer in the city so far, but I’m still not doing anything vaguely interesting, just everyday life, you know, work, work, some apartment hunting in between,  and then more work. I do get a short break now and then, especially when my sister and her husband came for a visit, so I did manage to drink a glass (or a two) of wine or a colorful cocktail, and to lay in the sun with a good book, but not as nearly as much as I want (or, let’s be honest, need) it.

Anyway, I just realized that I haven’t written my New Year’s resolutions, I have them stored in my head, but with years I realized that the only way I force myself to do anything is to either write it or tell it to as many people as possible so I want back out. That is a power of character at it’s finest, my friends.

So, let’s go with my 1st of July resolutions:

  1. Read at least two books a month. I used to read a lot, and when I say a lot, I really mean it. Reading got me through some of my lowest moments, and it keeps me sane and I know it boosts my creativity, however since I quit my job and started freelancing, I somehow read less then I used to. I guess since I work from home, I spend almost every waking hour at home working, and less time relaxing. Anything else makes me feel guilty for some reason.BFB92E20-54C3-4862-A094-69F76A344353.jpg That brings me to number
  2. Learn to chill, girl. Take a day or a two off, don’t answer any emails, don’t work or think about work. It sounds so stupid when I write this down, but I tend to stress a lot about work, even more now, since I don’t have a regular job, I guess I feel the pressure of being the best all the time, not struggling, both creatively and financially. I am aware that I’m not CEO of a big company, thank you, but I’m always my worst critic, and it has to stop.
  3. Learn something new every month. I recently went to a Photography class, it was actually history of photography and it was so good for my soul, both the class itself and meeting new people with the same interests, I don’t do it so often and it felt so good, although I love my friends, don’t get me wrong, none of them is an art nerd as I am. I started learning Chinese again and I took my sister to pottery course where we drank wine and made cute plates like these here.

    I’m also practicing modern calligraphy again, and I have a feeling that will be fun. Maybe I will share some of these here soon.

  4.  Write one post every week. Let’s face it, probably the only people still hanging around here are my friends and family, and I can’t say that with certainty, lol.  I did start this blog to force myself to be more open and honest and to leave my comfort zone, and that is why is important to write as often as I can.
  5. And last but not least, drink more water. Here is a reminder for both me and for you reading it, you know you’re not drinking enough.

So this is it, I hope you like this sort of a journal post, until next time, keep chasing sunsets.

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